
Isle of Lewis

Western Isles Community


 The Stornoway Trust


We are a community brand with a percentage of our sales helping The Stornoway Trust. The trust is Scotland’s oldest community landlord and stewards 69,000 acres which include over 1300 crofts.

Every time you add Larkfire to your whisky you are helping take care of this unique, wild location and the people within it.


The best water for whisky is without minerals or chemicals. The gneiss rock of Lewis was formed over 3 billion years ago and produces water that is very low in minerals, soft and pure.

Adding Larkfire to your dram helps free the natural flavours and open ups up your whisky. We like to think of it as natural chemistry, nature doing its work with as little human intervention as possible.

Sustainable & Natural


Larkfire relies on the pristine environment of the Isle of Lewis. It is natural therefore we have as little impact on nature as possible. This is why we ship our product in recycled cans and partner with The Stornoway Trust.